1999 Calendar
Portait of James Dean
January 11, 1998
Photo by Carol Weiler
Get. up. Do the dishes. Sweep the floor. Draw some granite. Eat too much. Exercise too little. Cheer up the folks. Wonder who they are. Achieve too little. Study too little. Learn too little. Chop down a tree. Burn it up. Want money. Hate money. Hate competition. Fix the truck. Pay the bills. Take some pictures. Screw up the film. Look outside. Look inside. Take a bath. Try to forget some things. Try to remember some things. Wash the clothes. Add a hole to the belt. Have a belt. Read something insignificant. Wonder about the world’s leaders. Support some cause. Send someone some money. Plan for the future. Think about the past. Go get some firewood. Watch TV. Make some tea. Drink it. Piss it. Get drunk. Sober up. Ignore some obvious signs. Trick myself into some beliefs. Get gas. Buy groceries. Dig a hole. Climb in. Feel despondent. Check the oil. Clean the boots. Mail-order some crap. Call someone. Look for something. Try to work on something. Drive to town. Lick a stamp. Hope for better times. Expect a disaster. Buy booze. Thank someone. Eat a cookie. Shoot a bird. Clean the gun. Cut down some barbed wire. Listen to the radio. Read old letters. Think about life. Try to be happy. Make the bed. Feed the fire. Turn on the fan. Take down the curtain. Heat up the house. Shovel snow. Visit relatives. Figure out xmas presents. Look at a catalog. Read part of a book. Thumb through a magazine. Try to do something “constructive”. Design a fountain. Tell a joke. Answer the phone. Hope for the best. Make a sandwich. Eat it. Buy some crappy food. Eat it. Update the address book. Mend a shirt. Print a picture. Log in the hours. Organize expenses. Settle old debts. Send out invoices. Check the mail. Hope for good news. Laugh at the situation. Adjust the clock. Set the alarm. Change socks. Look for something misplaced. Visit with a friend. Turn off the mattress pad. Say hello to an acquaintance. Feel sad. Clean my nails. Take vitamins. Try to touch my toes. Take a piss. Clean out my ears. Empty the tub. Hide. Buy a record. Listen to some music. Try to understand it. Hug a priest. Put up the curtain. Stretch. Yawn. Walk in place for 1/2 hour. Try not to depress someone. Check the traps. Sharpen the saw. Put up the plastic. Do a survey. Sit in the woods. Get off dead center. Be cheerful with others. Clean out the files. Check the bank account. Order forms. Wash the windows. Stalk a squirrel. Check the batteries. Be calm. Think about water and air and fire. Pray for my brother. Stand tall. Hang up clothes. Glue something. Use the calculator. Wonder about computers and what good they are. Throw away junk mail. Dump the garbage. Clean a pen. Look at slides. Ask a question. Hope for an answer. Put away the sleeping bag. Tidy up the house. Flip the calendar. Address xmas cards. Send Wheaties. File negatives. Throw out old stuff and replace it with new stuff. Get sued. Write a will. Will a right. Vote. Wonder how I got here. Look up the word “art”. Brush my teeth. Limp around.

This is a list of some things I might do today. But I’ll probably just take a nap.

Written on November 23, 1987 by James R. Dean

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Email James R. Dean at JDean56310@aol.com

All photographs © James R. Dean.
No reproductions of any kind may be made without the photographer's written permission.

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