2003 Calendar
Portrait and Scan
by Marly Keller
May 2002

The Tooth Fairy

Today I used needle-nose pliers
To pluck out another of my son's baby teeth
It was so loose
I was afraid he'd swallow it
Then I'd be poking through his poop for days
With an ice cream stick

I used the same tool on my daughter's milk teeth

You need to put this tooth under your pillow
I say, so the Tooth Fairy can pick it up
She uses teeth to make sleepy dust
And other special things

The pliers belonged to my dad
I had to sort through a lot of his stuff
When he died
He was a child of the Great Depression
And had a hard time throwing anything away
I've got his maple dresser in my bedroom right now
I found four of my little incisors when I moved it
Wrapped with tissue in the top-left drawer.

Bruce Severy
Culver City
March 2001

Bruce Severy, a technical writer for the past 20 years, was recently laid off from a computer distribution company in Los Angeles. He has published photographs, poems, and non-fiction in books, anthologies, and magazines, and is currently working on a book of historical poems called "cowboys & indians."

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Email James R. Dean at JDean56310@aol.com

All photographs © James R. Dean.
No reproductions of any kind may be made without the photographer's written permission.

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